Die Gründer der Spectrum Photogalerie Hannover
An interview from Joachim Giesel and Peter Gauditz, founders with Heinrich Riebesehl (1938-2010) of the Spectrum Photogalerie, with Ulrike Schneider, art historian, on the 28.09.2012 in the Collection Regard


On the occasion of the exhibition "Hein Gorny und Heinrich Riebesehl" Hein Gorny in der Spectrum Photogalerie Hannover, 1972 from October 5 till Dezember 14 2012 in the Collection Regard, Berlin


14:50 min in German


A film from Lars Tredup

© Hand + Fuss and Collection Regard


Salon Photographique/ Artist Talk with Manfred Paul and Hubertus von Amelunxen  on Mai 4. 2013 in the Collection Regard 


On the occasion of the exhibition "BERLIN NORDOST, Fotografien von Manfred Paul" from January 25 till July 6 2013 in the Collection Regard, Berlin.


22:29 min in German


A film from Guillaume Guérin and Marc Barbey

© Collection Regard

STILBRUCH Einsfestival vom 9. Oktober 2012

Exhibition with fotografies from Manfred Paul uand Jens Rötzsch 

The Berlinische Galerie shows in its new exhibition "The Shuttered Society" the world’s first comprehensive exhibition of art photography in the GDR 1949-1989.“The Shuttered Society” identifies traditions and trends while illustrating shifts in visual idiom and theme.


The Shuttered Society

Art Photography in the GDR 1949-1989



4:14 min in German


Author: Bettina Lehnert

Camera: Thomas Walther

Cut: Martin Schmitz

© Stilbruch - Einsfestival

Salon Photographique/ Artist Talk with Ulrich Wüst and Katia Reich on the 30.01.2014 in the Collection Regard


On the occasion of the exhibition "Ulrich Wüst - Index/ Berlin Leporellos" from 19.09.2013 till 21.03.2014 in the Collection Regard, Berlin 


17:10 min in German


A film from Guillaume Guérin and Marc Barbey

© Collection Regard

Salon Photographique with Rainer König and Janos Frecot on the 19.03.2015 in the Collection Regard.


On the occasion of the exhibition "Berlinische Fragmente - Fotografien von Rainer König" from 27.02 till 24.04.2015


22:24 min in German


A Film from Guillaume Guérin and Marc Barbey

© Collection Regard