Salon Photographique, FOTOHAUS 2016

© Collection Regard


Salon Photographique Collection Regard


04.07 till 10.07.2016


The Collection Regard shows from 4th to 10th July 2015 a SALON PHOTOGRAPHIQUE at FOTOHAUS, (7 rue de la Roquette, Arles, France) part of VOIES OFF Festival during the Rencontres d'Arles.


SALON PHOTOGRAPHIQUE is a photographic exhibition in the shape of a curiosity cabinet curated by Antonio Panetta. The set up is the one of a living room, according to the style of the Collection Regard located in the district of Berlin-Mitte.Some photographers presented at the Collection Regard since 2011 will be presented : Hein Gorny, Margret Hoppe, Manfred Paul and Ulrich Wüst. The work of other photographers will be viewable in form of portfolios and publications, including Siebrand Rehberg and Rainer König.

FOTOHAUS PARISBERLIN included in 2016 several exhibitions by ParisBerlin>fotogroup, La Collection, Les Associés, Tumuult, Franzkowiak & Westphal Artprojects, Spéos.


2,800 visitors came to visit us.


Press release FOTOHAUS 2016 (German)
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.8 MB
Programm FOTOHAUS 4-10.07.2016
Adobe Acrobat Document 663.7 KB